
Waseda CoastLab

このサイトについて About this website

早稲田大学創造理工学部社会環境工学科/大学院創造理工学研究科建設工学専攻 三上研究室(海岸工学・マネジメント)のWebサイトです。沿岸域における自然災害を中心に、海岸、流体、防災・減災、避難などさまざまな研究を行っています。


This is the website of Mikami Laboratory (Coastal Engineering and Management) at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Waseda University. We are conducting a variety of research mainly on natural disasters in coastal areas, covering coasts, fluids, disaster prevention and mitigation, evacuation, and other topics.

* The previous website is here 
最近の研究室 Recent news of our lab
2024年3月卒業式・学位授与式が行われました Spring 2024 graduation ceremonies were held
柴山教授の最終講義が行われました Prof. Shibayama's final lecture was held
本Webサイトを開設しました! The website was launched!

アクセス Access

キャンパス Campus


Our laboratory is located in Nishi-Waseda Campus of Waseda University. Nishi-Waseda Campus is directly connected to Nishi-Waseda Station of Fukutoshi Line (subway). [Visiting Information]

研究室 Laboratory


Our laboratory is located on the 16th floor of the Building No. 51, which is the tallest building in the campus. The faculty room is 51-16-03B and the students room is 51-16-05.